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Our guarantees

Optimal market relations are possible only if the client is completely satisfied.
Our service adheres to this rule in working with people without exceptions.
Once you have experienced our conditions, you are guaranteed not to want to stop cooperation.
For us, reputation among customers is the most important factor, and therefore there are special money-back conditions on the site.
The client can request them in case:

— If the fulfillment conditions did not satisfy his requests;
— Inconsistency of conditions or erroneous payment according to the specified details;
— If the specified result is not achieved by coincidence.
If you have any questions about the return of funds, please contact the consultant on the website or at . Customer convenience comes first in cooperation. That is why we always insist on the need to change the password before placing an order and after it, as well as linking the account to your personal phone. Our employees do not request personal data necessary to restore access to the account. They must remain secret.


Protection and professionalism

We guarantee that there will be no problems with your account after using our services. Before working in this service sector, we formed a clear scheme for protecting customer accounts.

All actions to achieve the result from the order are performed by professional players. Each of them has experience in WoT. At the same time, this is the key to the fastest possible implementation of the agreement. Our service avoids the use of bots and similar programs.

We have thoroughly studied the internal rules of the game. Prohibited bugs, modifications and any other techniques are excluded from the provision of services.
Additional factors are VPN connection and SSL encryption. This is a reliable protection of personal data.


Live communication

Many services providing services in the gaming industry market avoid communicating with customers. Our choice is different, because the opinion of the person who applied for help is the main factor for the work of the resource staff.

The administration is open to any suggestions. To do this, you can go to the contacts section and contact in any available way. Consultants also work 365 days a year, as do employees. Contact them at a convenient time.

If the user has made an order, the consultant contacts him through the contacts left during the next couple of hours while the information is being processed. The client can leave contacts on Skype, TeamSpeak, Viber or any other feedback method. After completing the order, we ask you to leave a review. The opinion of people is very important to us, because it helps to improve the service.


Important information

Personal data transferred to employees is never used for third-party operations. This also applies to the email address. The occurrence of spam, promotional mailings and the like is excluded.

All employees of the service have been tested by long-term work and are part of a friendly team. The information in the site database is intended only for internal work. The client is provided with complete anonymity, so comfortable cooperation is maintained.

We are confident in the quality of our services, and therefore we invite every user to experience it for themselves.